영어 (51) 썸네일형 리스트형 단순과거 vs 현재완료 비교분석 The Simple Past vs. The Present Perfect#단순과거 #현재완료 #비교 #영어로 #영문법 ◇ed냐 have + p.p.냐 그것이 문제로다영어권 문화는 시간에 민감하다 단순과거는 정확한 시간을 알 수 있을때현재완료는 시간이 중요하지 않거나 정확하지 않을때 쓴다. 단순과거ed : 언제인지 콕 찝어 말함He arrived at 4 o'clock.I didn't do my homework yesterday. 현재완료have + p.p. : 정확히 언제인지 중요하지않아He has already arrived.(He has arrived 10 minutes ago.)I haven't done my homework yet.(I haven't done my homework yesterday... 현재완료진행 have been ~ing 결혼하다 The Present Perfect Continuous#현재완료 #현재완료진행형 #결혼하다 #marry #영문법 ◇have been ~ing내내 쭉! 집중, 비디오가 돌아가요, 한덩어리I've been waiting for you for two hours.두시간동안 너를 쭉~ 기다렸다.I've been waiting for you since 2 o'clock.내가 2시부터 널 쭉 기다렸다. ◇for + a period of time현재진행형은 쭉~~ 느낌이라 시간이 같이 옴I've been using the app for a long time.내가 이 앱을 오랫동안 쭈~욱 사용해왔는데말이야It's been raining for five hours.5시간동안 주구장창 비가 내리고있다 ◇since + the.. 현재완료2 have p.p. / just already yet 활용 예시문 시간 The Present Perfect#현재완료 #just #already #yet #영어로 #영문법 ◇복습(경험)I've been there.I haven't been there.I've never been there.Have you been there?Have you ever been there? I've heard of it.I haven't heard of it.I've never heard of it.Have you heard of it?Have you ever heard of it? I've tried it.I haven't tried it.I've never tried it.Have you tried it?Have you ever tried it? ◇have p.p. (언젠지 불명확)언젠지는 콕.. 현재완료 단순과거 차이점 비교 예문 해석 The Present Perfect#현재완료 #장난나랑지금하냐 #부정문 #의문문 #영어로 #긍정문 #영문법 #경험 ◇드디어 현재완료가 왔다!! 먼저 한번 읽어봐Rachel is a travel writer. She has been to lots of different places.Have you been to Prague? >Yes, I have. Actually, I've been there three times. I first went there in 1999 and fell in love with it!What other places have you visited? >Well, I've been to most of the big cities in Europe.Have you ever been to .. 단순과거 vs 과거진행 비교 The Past Continuous#단순과거 #과거진행형 #영어로 #과거 과거진행 #영문법 ◇~ed 단순과거(The Simple Past)I had dinner at 7:00.7시에 딱 밥을 먹은것. 언제 끝난진 모르지만 7시에 밥먹기 시작한것임I watched TV yesterday(completed action: over)나 어제 티비봄 ◇was/were ~ing 과거진행형(The Past Continuous)I was having dinner at 7:007시에는 한~참 밥먹고 있는 중이었지. 이미 7시 이전에 먹기 시작해서 이후에도 먹긴 했지만 7시엔 하여튼 밥먹는 중이었지한참 밥먹는데 7시가 된느낌?I was watching TV when you called.(not finished)TV보구 있.. 과거진행형 예문 영문법 the past continuous 현재진행형 비교 The Past Continuous#과거진행형 #~ing # #영어로 #영문법 ◇am/are/is ~ing ☞ was/were ~ingI'm working at the moment. 나 지금 일하는 중이여I was working at this time yesterday. 나 어제 이맘때 일하는 중이었어현재진행은 바로지금에 집중~과거진행은 과거의 어느 한 시점에 집중~~I was sleeping at midnight.I'm sorry. I wasn't listening. What did you say?난 밤12시에 자고있는중이었어미안, (방금그거잠깐~)못들었어. 뭐라그랬써?*I didn't listening. 은 말 전체를 못들었단 뜻(퍼져있는 느낌)과거진행(wasn't listening) 으로 하면 집중.. 단순과거 과거시제 과거형 부정문 의문문 used to The Past Simple#단순과거 #부정문 #의문문 #used to #영문법 #영어로 ◇단순과거 부정 : didn't + 동사원형I don't ~ ☞ I didn't ~He doesn't ~ ☞ He didn't ~We don't ~ ☞ We didn't ~ I didn't go out last night.Amy didn't come to my birthday party.난 어제밤에 나가지 않았엉에이미는 내 생파에 안왔음 ◇단순과거 의문 : Did 주어 동사원형Do I ~? ☞ Did I ~?Does he ~? ☞ Did he ~?Do they ~? ☞ Did they ~? Did you buy anything today?Did James pass the test?Did it snow a lot la.. 단순과거 일반동사과거시제 과거시제 과거형 The Past Simple #단순과거 #일반동사 #~ed #영어로 #영문법 ◇Do-Type 동사(일반동사) 과거형 Add ~ed to the Do type of verb. 동사에 ed를 붙인다 ◇발음 ~voiced + ed ☞ /d/ 유성음(울리는소리 -- 목젖을 만져봐) cleaned 클린 -> 클린ㄷ stayed rained enjoyed planned ~unvoiced+ ed ☞ /t/ 무성음 danced 댄ㅅ -> 댄ㅅㅌ worked brushed talked stopped *예외 ~d/~t + ed ☞ /id/ ended needed started I cleaned my room yesterday. It rained a lot this morning. They talked a lot at th.. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 다음