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단순과거 과거시제 과거형 부정문 의문문 used to

The Past Simple

#단순과거 #부정문 #의문문 #used to #영문법 #영어로

◇단순과거 부정 : didn't + 동사원형

I don't ~ ☞ I didn't ~

He doesn't ~ ☞ He didn't ~

We don't ~ ☞ We didn't ~

I didn't go out last night.

Amy didn't come to my birthday party.

난 어제밤에 나가지 않았엉

에이미는 내 생파에 안왔음

◇단순과거 의문 : Did 주어 동사원형

Do I ~? ☞ Did I ~?

Does he ~? ☞ Did he ~?

Do they ~? ☞ Did they ~?

Did you buy anything today?

Did James pass the test?

Did it snow a lot last winter?

너 오늘 뭐 샀어?

제임스는 시험에 붙었나용?

지난 겨울에 눈이 많이 왔니?

Did you lock the door?

Yes, I did.

Did it snow a lot last winter?

No, it didn't. It just rained a lot.

너 문 잠갔어?

지난 겨울 눈이 많이 왔나?

ㄴㄴ 비가 많이 왓슴

◇의문사 의문문

의문사 + did + 주어 ~

What did you do on the weekend?

When did Erika arrive?

How did she finish her homework so quickly?

주말에 뭐했니?

에리카가 언제 도착했어?

그녀는 어떻게 그렇게 빨리 숙제를 끝냈다니?

◇used to ~ : 한때 그랬었다 (아~ 옛날에 그랬었는데~~ ... ~~ 뉘앙스)

Naomi used to have long hair.

His father used to smoke.

나오미는 한때 머리가 길었었는데~~

그의 아버지는 예전엔 담배 피셨는데~

Amy didn't use to like tomatoes, but she loves them now.

에이미는 예전에는 토마토를 좋아하지 않았는데, 지금은 엄청 좋아해

하지만 보통은 그냥 과거로 >>Amy didn't like tomatoes, but she loves them now. 이렇게 말함.

Did her father use to play golf every weekend?

한때는 골프를 치셨나?

◇used to 헷갈리는 것들

1. Paul is used to getting up early.

익숙하다 : 폴은 아침에 일찍일어나는게 익숙해?

2. I'm getting used to my new smartphone.

익숙해지고있는 중 : 새 스마트폰에 익숙해지고있는 중이야

3. Silicon is used to make computer chips.

수동태 : 실리콘은 컴퓨터 칩을 만드는데 사용된다.


지난 밤에 파티가 전혀 재미 없었어

오늘 아침 운동 했어?

네 가방 어디 뒀니?

나는 밤늦게까지 깨어있곤 했었는데 지금은 일찍 잔다

I didn't enjoy the party at all last night.

Did you excercise this morning?

Where did you leave your bag?

I used to saty up late, but now I go to bed early.


It's the beginning of a new term at college.

Two students, Nick and Eric, are talking about the summer holidays.

N : What did you do in the summer?

E : I took a trip around Europe by train.

N : Did it cost much money?

E : Not really. I got a student discount at many places.


수지는 어제 시험을 잘 못봤다

Suzi didn't do well on his exam yesterday.

벤은 어젯밤 잠을 잘 못잤다

Ben didn't sleep well last night.

어떤항공사 탔니?

Which flight did you take?

Viet Airlines 탔어

I took Viet Airlines.

어디 묵었니?

Where did you stay?

Plaza Hotel에서 묵었어

I stayed at the Plaza Hotel.

닉은 채식주의자이지만 한때는 고기를 많이 먹었었어요

 Nick is a vegetarian, but he used to eat a lot of meat.

저는 한때 밤에 늦게까지 안자는 사람이었어요. 지금은 매일 아침 일찍 일어나요

I used to be a night person.Now I get up early every morning.