본문 바로가기


some, any, no, not any, none, something, anything,


영어의 긍정, 부정, 한정사

◇Positive vs. Negative 영어이 긍정과 부정

확실하게 긍정이 아닌 모든것이 부정


I'm a student.

There is snow on the road.


I'm not a student.

There isn't snow on the road.

그럼 의문문은?

확실히 몰라서 물어보는거라 부정문이에요

Are you a student?

Is there snow on the road?

그래서 다음과 같이 두가지로 물어봐도 대답은 똑같아요

Do you like chocolate?

-Yes, I do. 초콜릿 좋아해

-No, I don't 초콜릿 안좋아해

Don't you like chocolate?

-Yes, I do. 초콜릿 좋아해

-No, I don't 초콜릿 안좋아해

◇영어는 긍정이냐 부정이냐에 따라 같은 의미라도 표현이 달라질 수 있어요

다음과 같이 긍정문과는 다른 표현의 부정문과 의문문

It's a long way from here.

It's not far from here.

How far is it from here?

There are some apples in the basket.

There aren't any apples in the basket.

Are there any apples in the basket?

He has a lot of money.

He doesn't have much money.

How much (money) does he have?

◇Use some before

셀수 있는거 + 복수

I'd like some cookies, please.

There are some clouds in the sky.

셀수 없는명사

I'd like some water, please.

There's some garbage in the backyard.



Use some for positive, any for negative.

긍정에  some, 부정에 any

명사가 있으면 긍정, 명사가 없으면 부정

I'm going to buy some vegetables.

There's some milk in the fridge.

I'm not going to buy any vegetables.

There isn't any milk in the fridge.

Some in questions

Is there any milk in the fridge?

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

*확실하게 명사(우유, 형제)가 있는지(긍정)모름 -> any

의문문에도 some이 들어감 왜냐?

확실하게 있는지 알고 있는 상태(긍정) 우유, 쿠키가 있는거(긍정)알고있단다, 좀 줄래?의 뜻

Would you like some milk?

Can I have some cookies?


Would you like something to drink?

There's somebody at the door.

I've seen it somewhere before.

*확실히 있긴있어 뭔가 있기는 해의 느낌

Are you doing anything tonight?

I won't tell anyone about it.

I can't find my phone anywhere.

*확실히 없거나 모름


Positive : some

Some birds can't fly.

어떤 새는 못날아요. 있긴 있어요. 

Negative : any

You can do anything.

Call me anytime.

넌 뭐든지 할 수 있어. anything. 한도끝도없이 뭐~든지

정관사 : the 확실하게 있다(긍정)

부정관사 : a/an 뭔지는 모르겠지만 (부정) 하나

◇no = not any

There are no cars in the parking lot.

= There aren't any cars in the parking lot.

The book has no exercises.

= The book doesn't have any exercises.

◇noting/nobody(no cone)/nowhere

= not + anything/anybody(anyone)/anywhere

I'm bored. I have nothing to do. = I don't have anything to do.

There was nobody at the door. = There wasn't anybody at the door.

지루해. 할게 없어 = 뭐 할것이 아무것도 없네

문에 아무도 없어 = 문 앞에 누가 아무도 없는것이야

not anybody 를 쓰는건 구구절절~~의 느낌

Nothing's gonna stop me.

Nobody knows.

그무엇도 나를 막을 수 없어!(단정적으로 강조하는 경우)

Where did you go last Sunday?

Nowhere. I just stayed home.

지난 일요일에 어디갔었어?

아무데도. 그냥 집에 있었어

◇ No and none

no + noun 

There's no caffeine in this tea.

We have no dogs.

none 뒤에 명사 오지 않음

I had some money, but he had none.

A : What birds did you see at the zoo?

B : None. There were no birds there.(I saw no birds)

◇none=0, no one=nobody

He bought three bags, but I bought none.

There was no one in the office.

그는 가방 3개를 샀지만 나는 0

사무실에 (사람이) 아무도 없다.


I have some questions for you.

I don't have any questions for now.

Do you have any questions?

Here's a little something for you.

Is anybody out there?

I have no idea.

There's no problem with that.

No one knows. = Heaven knows. God knows.

Ben has many action figures, but I have none.


James is going on a business trip to China. He's at the airport.

A : How may bags do you want to check in?

J : none. I would like to carry on my suitcase.

A : Can I have a look at it?

J : Sure.

A : Well, I'm afraid you need to check that in. It's too large.

제임스가 비즈니스 여행 중국으로 감. 공항에 있음

짐이 몇개나 보낼거에요?

없음, 내가 가지고 갈거임요

좀 봐도 될까?


글쎄요, 안타깝네요, 그거 체크인해야될거같애요. 너무 커요