Modals helping verbs
#조동사 #의무 #해야만한다 #영어로 #영문법
◇Talking about the Mode 조동사가 표현하는 세가지 기본 모드
1. guess 추측
- may, might 약한추측 자신이 없어서 글쎄, 그럴지도 몰라~
- must 강한추측 틀림없이~
2. ability. possibility 능력, 가능성
- can
3. obligation 의무
- must 반드시 꼭
- have to 반드시 꼭
- should 뭐 안한다구 큰일나는건 아니구, 하는게 좋아, 그게 옳아요~~
◇Must / have to / should
You must take this medicine three times a day for a week.
I have to get up early to catch the morning train tomorrow.
I think he should get a haircut.
셋다 ~해야해~지만
must 안하면 문제가 생긴다 꼭 그래야한다
have to 안하면 문제가 생긴다 꼭 그래야한다
should 안한다고 문제가 생기는건 아니다...
◇have to
you have no choice
We have to finish the report by Thursday.
Sarah has to read five books for the class project.
우리 목요일까지 리포트를 끝내야해
새라는 반과제를 위해 책을 다섯권 읽어야한다
◇don't have to~
You don't have to pay to get in. The museum is free.
He doesn't have to go to work tomorrow. It's Memorial Day.
돈 안내도돼. 그 박물관 무료거든
그는 내일 출근 안해도 된다. 현충일이야
◇have to 의문문
Do I have to take a blood test?
Do you have to wear a uniform at work?
Does he have to cook every day?
When do we have to finish the report?
이 혈액검사 꼭 해야해요?
회사에서 유니폼을 꼭 입어야 합니까?
그는 맨날 요리를 꼭 해야한대?
언제 리포트를 마쳐야 하나요?
◇had to~
I had to pay my speeding ticket last week.
Yesterday, Andy had to cram for his final exam.
과속딱지를 지난주에 내야했다
어제 앤디는 기말고사를 벼락치기해야했다
◇will have to~
We will have to finish the report before the end of the semester.
In the speaking test, you will have to talk for 1~2 minutes.
학기 말 전까지는 보고서를 마쳐야만 할꺼야.
말하기 시험에서, 당신은 1~2분동안 말을 해야할거에요.
◇have got to~
have to랑 똑같은 의미인데 말할 때 got을 습관적으로 붙인다
You've got to be careful with it.
He can't go out tonight.
He's got to babysit his little brother.
그는 오늘밤 못가
그는 남동생을 돌봐야하거든
◇must = have to
must와have to는 같은 의미이지만
지시사항이나 문어체(글)에서 자주 접한다
He must finish the report by Thursday.
=He has to finish the report by Thursday.
You must wear a seatbelt in a car.
그는 목요일까지 리포트를 마쳐야 한다
너는 차에서 안전벨트를 매야만한다
strong recommendation
일상생활에서 만나는 must는 강추의 의미로 많이 쓰인다
We really must get tohether for dinner sometime.
You must see the new Peter Jackson movie. It's fantastic.
우리 저녁먹으러 꼭 뭉쳐야해
피터잭슨의 새영화 꼭 봐야돼. 끝내주거든
◇mustn't (must not) ≠ don't have to
하면 안된다(하면 큰일나) / 안해도돼
You mustn't tell him./ You don't have to tell him.
그한테 말하면 안돼 / 그한테 말안해도돼
You mustn't use your smartphone while you are driving.
운전 중에 스마트폰을 사용해서는 안된다
◇Use had to instead of must in the past tense.
For questions, use have to instead of must.
must는 과거형도 의문문도 없다 have to로 쓰면 됨
I must go to work now.
>>I had to go to work last Saturday.
He had to babysit his little brother last night.
I must finish the repart by Thursday.
>>Do I have to finish the report by Thursday?
When do I have to pay the bill?
Did you have to go to work last Saturday?
나 지금 일하러 가야만해
>>지난 토요일에 일하러 가야만했어
그는 지난밤 남동생을 돌봐줘야 했어
목요일까지 리포트를 끝내야해
목요일까지 리포트를 끝내야 합니까?
언제 계산해야 하나요?
지난 토요일에 일하러 가야만했니?
우리는 월요일까지 이 작문을 완성해야만 합니다.
우린 서두르지 않아도 되요. 시간이 많아요
나는 초등학교때 교복을 입어야만 했어요
캘리포니아에서는 운전면허를 따려면 16세 이상이 되어야만 한다
내일 집세 내는거 잊으면 안된다
정말 지금 가야만 하니?
We have to complete this essay by Monday.
We don't have to rush. Whe have plenty of time.
We had to wear a school uniform when I was in elementary shcool.
You must be over 16 to get a driver's license in California.
You mustn't forget to pay the rent tomorrow.
Do you really have to go now?
Mike is starting a new job.
S : Welcome to Wilson & Clark. Do you have any questions?
M: What are my working hours?
S : We have flexible hours here.
You can choose to start early or finish late, but you have to be here between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.
M : Do I have to decide now?
S : No, you don't have to. You can decide each day.
저는 근무시간이 어떻게 됩니까?
우린 유연근무제입니다
당신은 일찍 시작하는것과 늦게 끝나는것중 고를 수 있어요, 하지만 오전8시와 오후2시 사이엔 여기 있어야합니다.
지금 선택해야 합니까?
아니요 안해도되요, 각각의 날마다 정할 수 있어요
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